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Camp Lomia here she comes!
Avery was able to go to Young Womens camp this year because she just turned TWELVE!!! She had such a great time and was really able to bond with the other girls in our ward. She has sort of had a hard time with this last move, and has really tried to hold on to her friends out in Queen Creek and hadn't really given the girls out here a chance, so it was so great for her to go up to camp and get to know everyone better. I was also able to go up for three days, and it was a FABULOUS experience if I do say so myself! The theme this year was "In Tune". We learned that the spirit speaks to us all differently and how to recognize and be "in tune" with how he speaks to us individually. Going along with the theme, each ward chose a musical to plan their activities around. Our ward chose Mary Poppins! Our YW President, Cindy Allen, was Mary and the girls were all chimney sweeps. They did the "Step In Time" dance for the skit. They were so cute! They all got along so well, and there was absolutely NO girl drama! They were all so excited and involved. They had great attitudes which made their camp experience so wonderful! The ward and stake leaders put SO MUCH WORK into camp! Everything was AWESOME! I am so grateful Avery's first year at camp was such a great one! I am so grateful that she has such AMAZING women for her leaders, and I am so blessed to be able to work with them. She was able to come into Young Womens this last Sunday for the first time, and now we'll be able to go to Mutual on Wednesday nights together. How FUN and EXCITING!! She really is an AMAZING YOUNG WOMAN! I can't believe how quickly she's growing up!
Chim-chimminey, chim-chimminey, chim chim cheree, a sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be. Chim-chimminey, chim-chimminey, chim chim cheroo, good luck will rub off when I shakes hands with you. Well blow me a kiss, and that's lucky too!
Harris 1st ward - First year girls - Avery, Kater, Elena, Chelsea(YCL), Teghan, and Sunni
Flower the skunk - Instead of running away from the skunks, these girls chased after them, coaxing them with blackberries!
Avery and Elena - "Practically Perfect in Every Way!"
Our Playbill - someone in the stake painted these beautiful Playbills for each ward.
Avery and Kater - two spoonfuls of sugar!
cannot believe she went to camp, so glad she had a good time!