Monday, September 29, 2008

Run Forest! Run!

So, David's sister, Amy, is going to run a half marathon in February, and has challenged all of us sisters to run it with her. I haven't moved a muscle in years, but I figure I've got four months to train, so I may just take her up on it. I ran today for the first time. It showed me just how out of shape I am. My nine year old son, Ethan, ran with me. We left at 10:40 am, and got back at 11:05. We only went about 2.25 miles and it took us 25 minutes! At this rate I'll be able to finish the half marathon in just under four hours! It was the wrong time of the day to go running. It was stinking HOT, but there was a strong breeze that felt pretty good, until it became a dust storm and we were blinded and eating dirt. Baby steps. I'll work my way up. I'm just proud that I actually got up off of my big bootie and did it! We'll see how it goes.

* If anyone out here in the QC needs a running partner, I'm looking! I need to be accountable to someone.

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